Christ Developing Christians

What a catchy name.  I thought about it after I was auto corrected typing a response to a question on the Bible app.  I have no idea what I was typing but it auto corrected to CDC.  Of course my mind first goes to Center for Disease Control and Prevention.  But I got to thinking, like I normally do, what if I could change this word around?  What would make it more palatable for someone that needs the CDC to mean something other than what the world says it does.  Christ… Developing.. Christians… Wow… That’s pretty good.  I like it.  I really like it.  I love it!  I love it so much you are free to use it wherever it suits your needs!

It only took me about 3 seconds to alter the meaning of it.  I’ve had a lot of practice with it though.  Practice born out of a necessity.  These days I can normally turn an acronym into something a little more palatable for a mind full of Jesus in under 10 seconds.   

While I was writing this article I thought about some other words I altered through the years.  In a county over there is a police unit with the acronym F.I.N.D.  They’re a unit you’ll see parked in the police turnaround or the emergency turnaround areas in the median strip. They never fail to be there with about 1 for every stretch of mile in this certain area of I-20.  Now full disclosure I wasn’t as mature in my Christ like thinking.  Anyway in about 5 seconds flat I mouth off Frequently Inspecting Negro Drivers.  How far is that from the truth?  You be the judge.

Now I can’t let that acronym stick around in my mind so I decided to give my 3-5 seconds a test.  I thought about it and came up with Forever I Need… and just at the 5 second mark, I’m sure of it, in that moment I had forgotten I was testing myself and loaded up ChatGPT to help me with a positive word for D.  And lo and behold ChatGPT spewed me about 10 words in less than the time it took for me to ask the question.  It sure beat my time.  Forever I Need Diligence is what I settled on by the way.

Wouldn’t that be great if God worked on ChatGPT time, when ChatGPT is reliable that is.  I suppose that’s the tradeoff when you work with a technology like that.  That was my first time using it for my writing to be honest.  I made a decision that I was going to do it the hard way.  But sometimes we need the tools of the day to help us out.  I’m not ashamed I used it.  And if I find out an article I loved that spoke all kinds of Truth about Jesus or is correct, why should I have a problem who posted the article?  After all, isn’t it a large language module, developed by humans, studying what humans have written and done?  Even when it’s not correct it reminds me of the flaws of man.  It shows us we aren’t perfect.  What a breath of fresh air.

What acronyms or phrases have you turned around for fun or out of necessity?  Have advice for my writing journey?  Please leave me a comment or message!  God bless.


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